Benefits Of Using Free Resources to Make Money Online by Rhonda Smith
word Free is now synonomous with "hand out". In the online world, free is
really a valuable commodity.
Just look at some of the largest organizations online that offer free services.
Myspace, the largest social network site that a free opportunity to meet
others across the world who are like minded and build a network of friends
and associates. How's that for Free?
Craigslist and Backpage, two of the largest advertising mediums online.Allowing anyone from country to country post want ads, services, job listings,
and etc. for free. Reaching out to millions of people daily without cost.
Is free still bad?
And what about Ezine articles, Article board, that house free articles on just
about any subject matter and also reaches millions with their online publication.
The information published is not only valuable, but it's FREE!
Now what about a business opportunity that requires no out of pocket cost,
like the Free Online Cash System. It requires the same amount of time
to build the business but there's no cost and it allows the average Joe
to make a living online. How's that for FREE?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that FREE is still a good thing
with all the benefits of FREE, why would any one pay large sums of money
for advertising, socializing, bum marketing and choosing an online business.
It's because folks have been taught that you must work hard or you're not pulling
you're weight, you must pay for everything or there is no value and you must
trade your time for money or you'll never appreciate what you've worked for.
Don't be fooled about FREE, all of the services listed above are more valuable
than anything that is paid for. Not to say that Free is always better, there
must be a measurement of the value. All that is paid for and all that is FREE
is not always good.
About the Author
Rhonda Smith has a Master's Degree in Business and runs several successful marketing websites. Her passion is Internet marketing and her websites and are dedicated to teaching anyone how to become successful marketers without any out of pocket costs.