10 Tips on Avoiding Online Scams For New Home Based Business Entrepreneurs by Adrian McCluskey
Unfortunately, many well-meaning new home based business entrepreneurs have been burned and left this industry before their time and with a very sour taste in their mouths. Almost every knows the saying look before you leap, but it's also true that most of us (not me of course, it was my friend) have at one time or another been guilty of acting too quickly on a supposedly great deal and been taken to the financial cleaners.
The internet is the perfect place for scammers and sharks to operate. The business in done online so you'll never meet these people face to face. The web provides a staggering number of potential new victims each day. The ethically challenged folks find internet newbies a particularly profitable group so if that's you, keep your credit card temporarily under wraps and follow these 10 simple tips to avoid becoming the latest victim.
1. General rule of thumb - If it sounds too good to be true, it is. No, you will likely not make money while you sleep (until you are up and running with the right business model) or rake in a six figure salary working three hours a day in as little as two months. Real results take real work and dedication!
2. All the marketing information you need to learn is available online for free. There is no need to buy an e-book or subscribe to a service that promises to share with you the secret to online success - as a matter of fact, here is the secret to online success - you must adopt a "failure is absolutely not an option" attitude and combine that with the aforementioned hard work and dedication. You must commit to a plan and follow through for a period of at least one year. If you're not willing to do this, don't even bother starting because you're not an entrepreneur you're looking for a regular job.
3. Here's an update for you - millionaires do not advertise on the web or by email in broken English looking for entrepreneurs to learn their business and thus pass on their business secrets. I truly hope this doesn't come as real news to anyone but it must or the ethically challenged cyber crooks wouldn't be doing it. Hint - THIS IS A SCAM.
4. Always proceed slowly and cautiously. If the company you're looking at starts pressuring you to buy this is a bad sign - run don't walk away. Any legitimate opportunity will allow you all the time you need to research their offer and make an informed decision.
5. Here's one of my personal peeves - online marketers who show images of payments allegedly earned through their business that are supposed to represent indelible proof that they have the greatest opportunity available. There is a slim chance they may actually be telling the truth, but even if that's true, who in their right mind wants to work with Mr. Slim Shady the used car salesman type anyway? Again there are too many legit opportunities to waste time on fluff like this.
6. If the website advertising the scheme looks unprofessional, the person you will be dealing with also will be. Remember that each online entrepreneur with a website is not only selling their product and business but also in a very real sense themselves by way of establishing authority and credibility. If the website you are visiting is plagued with spelling errors, mistaken information, and facts that cannot be checked, then this is the kind of individual with whom you will end up doing business with if you buy in - SO DON"T BUY IN!.
7. Products which are faddish by nature like certain weight loss items or services such as mortgage loan consultant may not be scams, but they have little or no future. I'm sorry to repeat myself but there are simply too many really good opportunities online to waste time on this stuff.
8. If you have to invest multiple hundreds or even thousands of dollars prior to being able to explore the business opportunity and research it to your heart's content, proceed with extreme caution. A legit business may charge a small application fee to weed out the serious entrepreneur wannabes from the masses (this is actually a smart time-saving business idea because it allows the really interested to get the attention they require immediately) - but if you're being pressured into spending hundreds before they will share the fine details you may be better off to move on the next opportunity. At a minimum do a web search of the company and check out what's being said. Multiple complaints are usually there for a reason.
9. There are too many legitimate products and opportunities online to waste time with cheesy knockoffs. Do your research before you whip out the credit card. Any product that is advertised on a website which seems to ramble on endlessly in a variety of differing fonts about how great the opportunity and the product are is probably a scam or at best something you are not going to be able to duplicate.
10. Last but not least, this one's a repeat but worth it. It should actually be tip number one - do your research prior to buying in to any home based business opportunity in network marketing and top tier direct sales. The internet is a great place to market but it's also a great place to research. An hour of online research can be worth thousands of dollars. If the opportunity you're looking at now is not right, there are many legitimate opportunities online that will be a perfect fit for you. You just have to take the time to look.
About the Author
Adrian McCluskey http://www.success-together.com is an experienced online marketing professional. His personal mission is to help new and experienced entrepreneurs reach complete financial freedom without compromising integrity and honesty. Please email any questions to adrian.successtogether@gmail.com