Working From Home to Build Wealth by Bill Leahy
Working from home to build wealth is what most American families would love to have; how about you? There are many people working from home, some are doing multilevel marketing like Amway, Shaklee, Mary Kay, and so many others. People have conventional businesses that they run out of their home, they take orders over the Internet and ship out products. Others are working from home doing auction sites like eBay. many other auction sites that are coming online, and people are making good money with these auction sites. Working from home is not new; real estate investors have been working from their homes for many years? I know a couple of appraisers that have run the whole business out of their home. Most contractors really work from home, because that is where their office is and all their bookkeeping; they just spend most of their time out on job sites. The thing that is changing about working from home is that the Internet is opening up working from home to so many more people. Once ...