Is 6 Dollar Millions Mini Site a Paypal Money Maker or a scam? You may or may not have heard about it by now. Its an amazing turnkey, self selling, mini website that does actually earn you $6 hundreds of times over. The 6 Dollar Millions mini site has been a paypal money maker, for just a small one time fee of six dollars, for many years now. In the early days, it required more of an investment of about a couple hundred of dollars and a whole lot more time and effort. Today, thanks to the streamlining of the internet and Paypal, the amount of money to invest is practically free for the turn key mini site and getting it set up is much quicker and easier these days. So based on that information, I wanted to find out and I bit the bullet and spent the $6 to see just what I would get. As far as it being a scam or a pyramid scheme, well its not. The reason it qualifies as a legitimate home based business is because you basically are buying your own turn key money making website for only $6...