The Best Ways to Care for Your Rescue Dog by Vikki Gigante
When trying to find a vet for your dog, make sure you ask if the veterinarian has worked with rescue dogs in the past and tell the receptionist as much as you know about your dog so they are ready when you bring your dog in. On the day of the veterinary appointment, give your dog some extra attention so they know you are not going to desert them.
Be calm when you are putting your dog in the car for your trip to the vet. If the dog has developed an attachment to a specific toy or blanket, make sure you bring it with you. Make sure you have the dog's harness on it and have it's lead with you. When you arrive at the veterinarian's office, put the dog's lead on and take it for a walk so it can still be relaxed prior to you taking it into the office.
When you get into the office, keep your dog as calm as possible. When the veterinary assistant calls your dog into the examining room, be prepared for any type of reaction at all. The dog may be fine, may shake like a leaf, may go into a submissive stance, urinate on the floor or table, bark or howl or screech. The dog may try to bite. Be firm. Tell your dog it is okay, but issue a firm “no†if he or she snaps. The veterinarian team has lots of experience and will help you with your dog. Don't panic.
Calm yourself and your dog. Tell the veterinarian anything you have noticed about your dog. If you have questions, ask them. The veterinarian will examine your dog and take blood work and, if you do not have any records that the dog has its latest shots, a rabies and distemper shot will be administered as well as any other shots the veterinarian determines the dog needs. These are all necessary to keep both you and your dog healthy.
Oral health for the dog will also be checked. The veterinarian will check its teeth and gums and make recommendations as to oral care for the teeth, including brushing them once a month. Yes, just like you need to brush your teeth daily, your dog needs its teeth brushed too. Your veterinarian will also make recommendations as to diet for your dog to keep it healthy and its teeth healthy too. Some veterinarians recommend only dry dog food, others canned and dry dog food. Listen and try what is recommended, but recognize the fact that your dog may not eat the exact brands the vet recommends and you may have to try a couple of different things before you get it right. Work with your vet on this, they usually are more than willing to make recommendations.
Once the examination is complete and all the tests are done, your vet will recommend any medications needed for your dog's health. Nearly all dogs will have to be given monthly heart worm medication to be given orally as well as flea and tick medicine that is applied on the dog's skin between the shoulder blades. There may be other medications necessary as well or other indications of treatment. Pet insurance is available and most veterinarians offer some type of payment plan for their services to keep treatment affordable.
When the appointment is concluded, praise your dog for its good behavior and give it lots of love and attention so it knows the veterinarian's is a good place to go. Give your dog a treat too, so the dog knows it has been a good dog. It is very important to make sure your dog has regular veterinary care so you can keep your puppy as healthy as possible.
About the Author
Vikki Gigante is a work from home mom living in Frederick, Maryland with her husband, two children and her cockapoo, Cocoa. She is the owner of and is an amateur radio operator and Civil War Living Historian.