You Can’t Extract Hydrogen From Water For Use As Fuel. UNLESS…. by GARKO

Another terrific example that shows how our children in school are not only not encouraged to think for themselves but the crap that is being crammed into their craniums is often too narrow, slanted or just blatantly untrue. Too narrow due to the lack of intelligence or creativity on the part of the authors of the book Slanted to mold young minds as needed by some agenda of some greedy corporate interests to dupe a new generation. False because of either of the two above or because the folks writing the textbooks are just simply dumb. Water can be broken into Hydrogen and Oxygen using electrical impulse. Standard chemistry textbooks assert however that this process necessitates more energy than it is possible to recover when recombining the gases. This holds true under normal circumstances, however it does not hold water under ALL circumstances. When ordinary tap water is hit with a series of high energy impulses, using a system invented by Stan Meyer (USA), it separates out into Hydrogen and Oxygen gas with much less electrical input. Even common electrolysis can be used by using certain electrolytes (enhancers that make the water conduct electricity better). For instance, Potassium Hydroxide works better than Sodium Hydroxide. Other modifications can be performed which are more technical in nature but which will work to magnify water’s electrical conductivity. The primary point I am stressing is that unlimited amounts of Hydrogen fuel can be made to power engines (such as the one your car) for the cost of water. A suppressed fact, a special metal alloy was developed by Freedman (USA) over 50 years ago that spontaneously divides water into Hydrogen and Oxygen, it requires no additional electrical input and without resulting in any chemical alterations in the metal itself. This means that this particular metal alloy can extract Hydrogen from water absolutely free, forever. The oil industry works with smoke screens. If the oil corporations wanted to make engines that ran on Hydrogen they would just do so. Assets in the billions of dollars can get pretty much anything done in this society! If they cared to manufacture an engine turn using cow flatulence (methane!) they could do that too! So don’t ever buy these official “can’t be dones” or even the “maybe in the future’s”. WATER4GAS is sharing information at a low price which individuals can use at home to build a small device which infuses hydrogen into the fuel/air mixture that their car or truck runs on. What this does is make bite sized particles out of the ones that the engine uses as fuel. So the system is able to use a lot more of it. By doing this you can reasonably expect to reduce your gas consumption by 12%. But many are obtaining thirty to fifty percent improvement or even more. Those goblets "musta" been pretty "blankin'" big in some engines before. But with W4G they are made consumable so you can reduce your gas consumption. It also helps to lower emissions significantly. This information has been purchased by over 9000 individuals already and happy members number about 99%! So that's a start!

About the Author

GARKO has found that adding water to the gasoline in your car gives you diluted gasoline :).
But he can show you one of the best alternative ways to save on gas which is to by adding hydrogen into the fuel system


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