Eliminate Your Debt Automatically by Ted Batron
The less debt we have the easier our lives are. Its important to discuss some tips for rapidly eliminating credit card debt. While the credit cards make our lives easier, they also create a tremendous abount of stress when the bills begin to pile up. When we carry a large number of credit cards, it is just human nature that we use them. When I was in the debt mode, I used to actually think to myself "wow, I have 50 thousand dollars in my pocket". That was a pretty destructive thought process. If you dont incur the debt, your better able to save for the future and have money ready when you need it. Change the thought process, and change the habits. There are no friends in the credit card companies. Removing your money from your posession is their only goal. If that sounds a little harsh, the truth is that this is war, and for the most part, the companies that offer credit in a predatory fashion, and that includes all of them, are the enemy. And they are winning. As simplist...